Owner Functions
This section covers the functions that can only be called by the space owner or the game engine.
Creates a new space with specified parameters.
function createSpace(
string memory name,
uint256 maxMembers,
uint256 joinFee,
address owner,
address token
returns (uint256);
Sets the balances for multiple users in a space.
function setManyBalances(uint256 spaceId, address[] memory users, uint256[] memory balances) external;
Sets the balances for multiple users in a space and enables withdrawals for them.
function setManyBalancesAndEnableWithdrawals(uint256 spaceId, address[] memory users, uint256[] memory balances) external;
Enables or disables withdrawals for all users in a space.
function setAllWithdrawalsEnabled(uint256 spaceId, bool enabled) external;
Enables or disables withdrawals for a specific user in a space.
function setWithdrawalEnabled(uint256 spaceId, address user, bool enabled) external;